Buick Lucerne information
Owner's reviews
What real owners think of the Lucerne. The good things and the bad ones
Owner's Manuals
Download the owner's manual of your Buick Lucerne
Service and Repair Manuals
Service and repair manuals, diagrams and more
Useful guides
Oil change, timing belt, check engine light and more
Fuse box diagrams
Explore an interactive fuse box diagram of your Buick Lucerne
Problems and issues
7 reports of problems and solutions from other car owners

Latest problems

Wont start but turns over Even fuel injector fuse 15 amp keeps blowing
Buick Lucerne 2008 3.9
Wont start but turns over Even fuel injector fuse 15 amp keeps blowing

Crank no fire
Buick Lucerne 2007 4 dr
New icm was running good shut off went to church came out crank no start has fuel

Fuse keeps blowing
Buick Lucerne 2007 Cxs
My F21 fuse the Oxy Pst Keeps Blowing

Brain box under the seat
Buick Lucerne 2009 6
Fuel fuse keeps going out due to the back seat. I've replaced the box twice and now I will be doing it again. I've purchased fuel pump that was not necessary. This design and flaw has cost me a lot of… 

Car suddenly died, no codes present, alternator is good. Won’t shift
Buick Lucerne 2007 Cxl
Car died suddenly a short time after beginning to drive, battery quickly drained and car would no longer shift and had to use bypass button to tow it home. Will start after tending battery: no codes o… 

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