Chevrolet Impala information
Owner's reviews
What real owners think of the Impala. The good things and the bad ones
Owner's Manuals
Download the owner's manual of your Chevrolet Impala
Service and Repair Manuals
Service and repair manuals, diagrams and more
Useful guides
Oil change, timing belt, check engine light and more
Fuse box diagrams
Explore an interactive fuse box diagram of your Chevrolet Impala
Problems and issues
60 reports of problems and solutions from other car owners

Latest problems

Theft deterrent system
Chevrolet Impala 2014 Chevy impala
Having issues starting my car it tells me theft deterrent system I’ve tried everything and can get it to start

Radio lights
Chevrolet Impala 2017
What fuse is to see my radio stations

Turn signal doesn’t make sound but light works
Chevrolet Impala 2009 3.5 L
When I turn on my signal it doesn’t make the ticking sound but it actually blinks like it suppose to.

Won't start after replacing battery
Chevrolet Impala 2007 4door sedan 3.5 liter
Replaced battery terminals and still won't start

Battery died and now the anti theft security light is on so I now can'
Chevrolet Impala 2008 Impala 3500v6
It first started when the blend door actuators would still be on even after I turned off the car. Then before I knew it my battery was dead. I didn't have the money to get a new battery so I let it si… 

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