Citroën C2 information
Owner's reviews
What real owners think of the C2. The good things and the bad ones
Owner's Manuals
Download the owner's manual of your Citroën C2
Service and Repair Manuals
Service and repair manuals, diagrams and more
Useful guides
Oil change, timing belt, check engine light and more
Fuse box diagrams
Explore an interactive fuse box diagram of your Citroën C2
Problems and issues
2 reports of problems and solutions from other car owners

Latest problems

Citroën C2 2006 Hatchback
The says that it is over heating when I just start it in the morning whole night it was just parking but when ever I start it says overheating...? When I took it to a auto electrician it says that my… 

Shows service light and also when i slow down it says oil pressure low
Citroën C2 2006 Citroen C2 1.4i VTR manual Hatchback
Oil pressure low stop engine warning, and also white smoke on the exhaust please advice on what could be the issue before i take it in for service thanks. But oil dip stick shows full enough according… 

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