GMC Canyon information
Owner's reviews
What real owners think of the Canyon. The good things and the bad ones
Owner's Manuals
Download the owner's manual of your GMC Canyon
Service and Repair Manuals
Service and repair manuals, diagrams and more
Useful guides
Oil change, timing belt, check engine light and more
Fuse box diagrams
Explore an interactive fuse box diagram of your GMC Canyon
Problems and issues
5 reports of problems and solutions from other car owners

Latest problems

Problem with crankshaft position sensor circuit
GMC Canyon 2005 3.5
Have problem with po335 code crankshaft position sensor circuit, already replace sensor ,checked the wiring from sensor to the ecm ,replaced ecm and the code trigger soonest I open ignition switch

Console radio communication loss, Front USB lost power, U18B4 Error
GMC Canyon 2020 Crew cab / 3.6L
Radio lost communication and no screen picture some lines, infotainment system restarts every few minutes trying to reestablish connection. Drains battery with 2.4-3.5 A current, even when the ignitio… 

Temp drops and engine light comes on
GMC Canyon 2019 Canyon v6
Fan keeps running temperature drops and engine light comes on

Fuel Gague issue
GMC Canyon 2007 3.7
Fuel Gague has stopped working.

Running lights
GMC Canyon 2020
2020 gmc canyon my rear running lights are not working break and turn signals work but running lights are not

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