Chevrolet Blazer information
Owner's reviews
What real owners think of the Blazer. The good things and the bad ones
Owner's Manuals
Download the owner's manual of your Chevrolet Blazer
Service and Repair Manuals
Service and repair manuals, diagrams and more
Useful guides
Oil change, timing belt, check engine light and more
Fuse box diagrams
Explore an interactive fuse box diagram of your Chevrolet Blazer
Problems and issues
164 reports of problems and solutions from other car owners

Latest problems

Need to know what sz fuses to use. Turn signal one keeps popping
Chevrolet Blazer 1996 4 door 4wd
Turn signals keep popping fuses

Steering Assist error message
Chevrolet Blazer 2020
A message appears on my info screen and my temperature gauge sits on cold the fan continues to blow after car is shut off has repeated this issue 3 times and corrects itself but now my check engine li… 

Chevrolet Blazer 2000 4.3i lt automatic trans
Car starts and runs fine. Will not go forward or backward when put in gear

Service ESC
Chevrolet Blazer 2020
SESC comes on, and it’s interfering with the power steering slowly

Electronic stability sensor
Chevrolet Blazer 2020
ESC sensor brings on check engine light and has recently interfered with power steering

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