Chevrolet Bolt EUV problems and issues

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My fuse is not at same place. ,. . . I want take put gps location wich one SolvedSolved

Chevrolet Bolt EUV 2022 Wa 2000 miles
Wich fuse 31 for onstar... disconnect track?
Joha from Canada a year ago  
Rank 1
3 replies 
Best answer (according to Joha)
Joha from Canada a year ago
I dont know why people remove fuse for tracker... you can disconnect from computer screen
Joha from Canada a year ago
Ok thank you but for me its on point because i have the fuse box 2022 but fuse are not the same place!!
Joha from Canada a year ago
Exact, that was my problem, fuse are not at same place and all fuse plan i saw got fuse in 31 but not me!!

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