

Kia Sorento 2008  70000 miles
When driving on a highway, it suddenly stalls. However, there is no problem to start the engine again.
Addy from United States 9 years ago  
6 reports 
unice from United States 9 years ago
I had the same problem with my Sorento EX Diesel 2006 and the solution was an easy one. You need to clean a fuel filter that is inside the deposit, as it is the one that is blocked with the fuel impurities and thus not allow a response to sudden acceleration requirements, causing the engine to stall.
Brian from South Africa 2 years ago
Do you mean the fuel filter inside the fuel tank?
Best answer (according to Addy)
augusta from United States 9 years ago
Buddy, do not doubt it, it is the solenoid valve, which is next to the radiator's water tank. When this valve is damaged, it makes the vehicle stall and fume.
Waldo355 from United States 8 years ago
I took my 2008 Kia Soreto to three shops before one found a dirty throttle body which was breaking the electronic throttle pedal circuit. Got it cleaned and the car even starts better in the morning.
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