Suddenly stalls problems

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Nissan Versa 2012
I bought a Versa 2012 nine months ago and, after two months of usage, it started having problems. The vehicle suddenly stalled and, when taking it to Nissan agency, no failure was found. This week, the same thing happened; brakes and steering wheel have been checked but nothing has been yet solved. If this has ever happened to someone else please help me.
anonymous user from United States 9 years ago
5 reports 
kat27 from New Zealand 7 years ago
Try a garage that diagnoses via fault code. I had such a problem, it was extremely frightening driving, random cut outs, no accelerator at times, random brake coming on whilst driving, locking into a low gear etc etc. Fault code (which escapes me) found it to be the speed sensor fault. Highly dangerous to drive unfixed. Car sales had replaced only one speed sensor after a previous owner returned it with the same issue then on sold it to me. I was told both sensors must be replaced. I took issue to court given this highly dangerous car a recent purchase (backed by lawyers) and the Judge didn't 'get' the danger this car put me, my passengers and others on the road in, he allowed the car sales to fix it instead of awarding it be returned as the law dictates ! The law sometimes an ass ! Best of Luck, stay safe !
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