

Volkswagen Jetta 2001  55000 miles
After driving for 20-25 miles, the engine stalls and it won't start again. Only after 4 or 5 hours the car will start again as if nothing had happened. After the same distance, it stalls once more and this happens time after time. It seems as though the engine was suddenly blocked. A new coil was installed but the problem is still there. I would appreciate anyone's help. Thank you.
Eph from United States 9 years ago  
1 report 
Wendy from United States 9 years ago
Hi, you should check the state of the relay number 409, as well as the crankshaft's sensor. You should also verify that the new coil is working properly.
Best answer (according to Eph)
wib from United States 9 years ago
Your problem must be the crankshaft's sensor, located behind the oil's filter.
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