Wiring problems

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Horn no working

Ford Expedition 2020  42000 miles
Please I want all wiring diagram for horn. Thank you
mazin from United States a year ago  
3 reports 
Brunex from United States a year ago
I don't have the wiring one, but does the fusebox diagram help? https://www.startmycar.com/ford/expedi…
Cunnilingous from United States 6 months ago
Which fuse stops the restraints chime it's annoying

Trailer lights which fuse is it

Ford Expedition 2000 Hatchback 156874 miles
I hit the two wires on one of the rear tail lights and it sparked so I probably blew a fuse which fuse is it for trailer lights
Studmuffin from United States 3 months ago  

Parasitic draw

Ford Expedition 1999 XLT/5.4l 2v/ 4x4 177000 miles
This truck has been sitting for about 7 years, and well mice have been in there. There was a lot of mice droppings, sometimes I can hear mice in there running around, and I assume they have bitten some wires because the battery dies within a day if I leave it hooked up and if I take off a terminal the battery stays charged. There's 20 fuses that have power and I need to know which ones shouldn't have power so I know what wires to chase down. The fuses are 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, and 31 for the cabin fuse panel. And the ones under the hood are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. All of this… Read complete
Anitomical from United States a year ago  
3 reports 
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