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My Kia Rio Won't Start

Kia Rio 2010 Kia Rio 750258 miles
Repaired head, water pump and fix an oil leak, now seeing oil and water in radiator now the car won't start but everything else working when key in ignition but it just won't start I need help?
Julie from Trinidad and Tobago 5 months ago  
1 report 
Julie from Trinidad and Tobago 5 months ago
Still won't start I await your response
Julie from Trinidad and Tobago 5 months ago
It hasn't been resolved as yet
Harry from Nigeria 23 days ago
Change your top gaskets
Julie from Trinidad and Tobago 22 days ago
I had the brain box rebuilt and a little time after I had to replace the master Cylinder. Now everything is working well, I even included a lot of prayers. Thanks for all the comments received but it was a journey.
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