Door problems

Top problems

Water leakage

Nissan March 2013  38000 miles
One day, it rained strongly for about an hour and my vehicle was parked outside. Water filtered through the doors and from under the vehicle. It was made evident that the car is not properly sealed but, apart from that, after water entered, the steering commands stopped working and the immovilizer module was left sulphated and useless. Even more, the audio system occasionally fails and blocks, and the bluetooth connection does not work at all. Another point I would like to mention is that the whole vehicle is maladjusted, producing annoying noises. But what worries me the most is that, in the… Read complete
Muriel from United States 9 years ago  
1 report 
obadiah from United States 9 years ago
Water also entered my car but, in my case, it filtered through the glove compartment, because the windshield wipers fluid reservoir was blocked.

Key lock entry

Nissan March 2023  5041 miles
Key entry works off and on. Alarm system always coming on if key works at times, it's disgusting to hear the horn because the key not unlocking the door so I have open manually with key
Nicky from other 6 months ago  
2 reports 
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